breaking bad

In 7 Words: Abel

We throw down our 7 words interview to Abel and get a little deeper in the run-up to the launch of his new album ‘Cosmic Law

Q1: You’re?

Investing time in Cubase 12, Piano playing and chasing the raising bar, set by myself and my superb peer group.

Q2: When?

Only one place to live and that is now, ask my mate Eckhart!

Q3: Why?

It’s in my blood and in my heart, part of my being. Many many years in the business and I love it as much now as when I started out, possibly more!

Q4: Watching?

Crowded Room, Hijack, The Last Of Us on my own, Ted Lasso with my wife, Breaking Bad (again) and Arsenal matches with my son, Unicorn Crack with my daughter

Q5: Hearing?

Inspiration everywhere, in music, in nature and in speech. I’m always listening out. In song-writing you have to be open to what is presented to you and be brave enough to pursue ideas. Youth often springs the best!

Q6: Playing?

Tennis 4-6 hours a week, never enough. It’s how I relax and yet if you saw me play I think you would find that very hard to believe.

Q7: Loving?

Family, friends, music and silence.

Peace, Abel x